Dreaming in Black and White

Almost two years ago we made one of the biggest decisions in our life, to move to Portland Oregon.

Since our brave move I have developed a love for people deeper than I ever have before. We have felt love and we have felt the depth of human connection, and we have been graced with people who I personally will never forget for the rest of my life. 

Thanksgiving has more than passed, but I wanted to write a small blog expressing my gratitude for the love we have received in our move here. Your support and loving embrace has allowed us to both pursue our dream of being full time photographers. From the bottom of our hearts we thank you!!

2016 rolls around and we know more amazing things will happen. We look forward to pushing the envelope and taking more creative risks. We look forward to more adventure, more passion and more intimate moments. 

In the coming weeks we will be wrapping up 2015 with a "best of" album. I can't wait to show you what this year has brought to us!! 



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